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中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院 SOX2/DDX5 R-loop 协同调控 体细胞 重编程 多能干细胞
基因表达调控是决定细胞命运的重要因素,通过改变基因的表达模式即可实现对细胞命运的精准调控。比如运用Yamanaka四个转录因子(Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc)在体外就可将体细胞成功重编程为诱导多能干细胞。2020年6月10日,中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院/广州再生医学与健康广东省实验室姚红杰课题组联合清华大学生命科学学院孙前文课题组在国际学术期刊Science Advanc...

Synthesis of a Thymidine Phosphoramidite Labelled with 13C at C6: Relaxation Studies of the Loop Region in a 13C Labelled DNA Hairpin
Thymidine Phosphoramidite Labelled 13C C6 Relaxation Studies 13C Labelled DNA Hairpin
A thymidine phosphoramidite labelled at C6 with 13C has been synthesized, and incorporated into a synthetic oligonucleotide, d(CGCGT*T*GT*T*CGCG), which adopts a hairpin conformation. NMR relaxation m...
Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic Analysis of South-East Asian Duck Populations Based on the mtDNA D-loop Sequences
Duck Populations D-loop Region Haplotype Mitochondrial DNA Phylogeny
The maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D–loop region is widely used for exploring genetic relationships and for investigating the origin of various animal species. Currently, domestic duck...
Mitochondrial D-loop sequence variation among autochthonous horse breeds in Croatia
mtDNA genetic diversity horse
Genetic variation in three Croatian coldblood horse populations was analysed using a sequence analysis of the proximal part (nt 15 498?5 821) of the D-loop region of mtDNA. Twenty unrelated horses wer...
贵州东北部黑叶猴种群mtDNA D-loop序列多态性
黑叶猴 线粒体控制区 单倍型 遗传多样性
贵州东北部作为黑叶猴在中国的主要分布区之一,黑叶猴的数量在近 30 年急剧下降,栖息地破碎化严重,保护形势不容乐观。深入了解黑叶猴在贵州东北部地区地理种群的分子变异及遗传水平现状,可以为黑叶猴保护提供重要的依据。本文以黑叶猴的粪便、毛发为实验材料,利用线粒体DNA分子标记,对采自贵州东北部地区黑叶猴野生种群79个粪便样品和黔灵公园笼养种群22个粪便样品、5份毛发样品的线粒体控制区(mtDNA D-...
Genetic Diversity of mtDNA D-loop Polymorphisms in Laotian Native Fowl Populations
Native Fowl Genetic Variability mtDNA Maternal Origin
Here, we studied the genetic diversity of native fowls in Laos by analyzing a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence polymorphism. A 546-bp fragment of the mtDNA D-loop region was sequenced in 129 chicken...
Phylogenetic Analysis of a Privately-owned Korean Native Chicken Population Using mtDNA D-loop Variations
D-loop Variation Haplotype Korean Native Chicken mtDNA
The use of Korean native chicken is increasing, and the discovery of new genetic resources is very important from both economic and genetic conservation points of view. In this study, mtDNA D-loop seq...
Genetic Diversity of mtDNA D-loop and Maternal Origin of Three Chinese Native Horse Breeds
Chinese Western Native Horses Mitochondrial DNA D-loop Genetic Diversity Maternal Origin
In order to protect the genetic resource of native horse breeds, the genetic diversity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop of three native horse breeds in western China were investigated. Forty-three ...
Macroscopic loop formation in circular DNA denaturation
Macroscopic loop formation circular DNA denaturation Biomolecules Statistical Mechanics
The statistical mechanics of DNA denaturation under fixed linking number is qualitatively different from that of the unconstrained DNA. Quantitatively different melting scenarios are reached from two ...
Rapid Identification of Transgenic Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Plants by Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification
Bt chitinase CryIA(b) detection loop-mediated isothermal amplification transgenic cotton
In an attempt to speed up the process of screening of transgenic cotton (G. hirsutum L.) plants, a visual and rapid loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was adopted. Genomic DNA was ext...
Ultrahigh bacterial production in a eutrophic subtropical Australian river: Does viral lysis short-circuit the microbial loop?
short-circuit the microbial loop Ultrahigh bacterial production
We studied trophic dynamics in a warm eutrophic subtropical river (Bremer River, Australia) to determine
potential sources of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the fate of heterotrophic bacterial pr...
本文利用已测序的157 个滇金丝猴控制区(D-loop)片段,通过与参考序列比对,鉴别了线粒体D-loop 片段中的52 个SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms)位点,定义了30 种滇金丝猴单倍型,排除概率为0. 938。谱系及种群遗传结构分析结果与以前利用D-loop 片段的研究结果相似。同时表明基于粪便样品进行保护遗传学、谱系生物地理学、种群遗传学等研究时,...
系统发育 D-loop 东方鲀属
东方鲀属的红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)是后基因组时代的一种重要模式生物。本研究中,利用东方鲀属11种鱼类(18尾)的D-loop基因序列,对东方鲀属鱼类的系统发育关系进行研究。经序列比对排定后,分析中D-loop序列有841个位点,其中395个位点为可变位点,267个位点为系统发育信息位点。分别采用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)、最大似然法(ML)和贝叶斯方法构建了分子系统...
婆罗门牛mtDNA D-loop变异及其遗传背景
婆罗门牛 mtDNA D-loop多态性 遗传背景
对10头原种婆罗门牛mtDNA D-loop全序列912 bp测序,婆罗门牛遗传多样性丰富,检测到的9种单倍型兼有瘤牛(B. indicus)与普通牛(B. taurus)的遗传背景,核苷酸变异率为6.25%,单倍型多态度为0.978±0.054,核苷酸多态度为0.014 30±0.008 68。所有单倍型聚为明显的两大分支,婆罗门牛的大部分单倍型为普通牛单倍型类群, 并占绝对优势(90%),仅B...