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Lower systolic blood pressure at age 7 y in low-birth-weight children who received iron supplements in infancy: results from a randomized controlled trial
Barker hypothesis blood pressure cardiovascular risk early programming hypertension iron supplementation low birth weight
Background: Low birth weight (LBW) (≤2500 g) is associated with iron deficiency in infancy and high blood pressure (BP) later in life.
The effect of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure in individuals with insulin resistance, prediabetes, or noncommunicable chronic diseases: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
blood pressure cardiovascular diseases insulin resistance
Background: To our knowledge, the effect of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure (BP) in individuals with preclinical or noncommunicable diseases has not been previously investigated in a meta-...
The effect of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure in individuals with insulin resistance, prediabetes, or noncommunicable chronic diseases: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
blood pressure cardiovascular diseases insulin resistance
Background: To our knowledge, the effect of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure (BP) in individuals with preclinical or noncommunicable diseases has not been previously investigated in a meta-...
A Mediterranean diet lowers blood pressure and improves endothelial function: results from the MedLey randomized intervention trial
Australia, Mediterranean diet, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, flow-mediated dilatation
Background: The consumption of a Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. However, its impact on blood pressure and endothelial function is not clear.
Comparison of the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet and a higher-fat DASH diet on blood pressure and lipids and lipoproteins: a randomized controlled trial–
DASH diet lipoproteins saturated fat triglyceride blood pressure dairy
Background: The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) dietary pattern, which is high in fruit, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods, significantly lowers blood pressure as well as low-density ...
Effects of free sugars on blood pressure and lipids: a systematic review and meta-analysis of nutritional isoenergetic intervention trials
blood pressure cholesterol triacylglycerols body weight free sugars complex carbohydrates ntervention trials meta-analysis
Background: Sugar has been suggested as a central risk factor in the development of noncommunicable diseases.
Prospective associations between problematic eating attitudes in midchildhood and the future onset of adolescent obesity and high blood pressure
problematic eating attitudes blood pressure adiposity prospective adolescents
Background: Clinically diagnosed eating disorders may have adverse cardiometabolic consequences, including overweight or obesity and high blood pressure. However, the link between problematic eating a...
Whey protein lowers blood pressure and improves endothelial function and lipid biomarkers in adults with prehypertension and mild hypertension: results from the chronic Whey2Go randomized controlled trial
blood pressure cardiometabolic health milk protein vascular function dairy whey, caseinate angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition
Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the greatest cause of death globally, and their reduction is a key public-health target. High blood pressure (BP) affects 1 in 3 people in the United Kin...
Effects on blood lipids of a blood pressure–lowering diet: the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Trial
Diet plasma total cholesterol LDL cholesterol
Effects of diet on blood lipids are best known in
white men, and effects of type of carbohydrate on triacylglycerol
concentrations are not well defined.
Acute effects of quercetin-3-O-glucoside on endothelial function and blood pressure: a randomized dose-response study
blood pressure cardiovascular disease endothelial function nitric oxide quercetin
Background: Epidemiologic studies have suggested that a flavonoid-rich diet can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Certain flavonoids, in particular quercetin, have been shown to am...
Effects of Standing and Light-Intensity Activity on Ambulatory Blood Pressure
Purpose: This study aimed to compare ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) response to accumulated standing (STAND), cycling (CYCLE), and walking (WALK) to a sitting-only (SIT) day in adults.
Methods: Nine...
Is there a causal role for homocysteine concentration in blood pressure? A Mendelian randomization study
blood pressure cohort studies homocysteine Mendelian randomization molecular epidemiology
Background: An understanding of whether homocysteine is a cause or a marker of increased blood pressure is relevant because blood homocysteine can be effectively lowered by safe and inexpensive interv...
The effect of acute vs chronic magnesium supplementation on exercise and recovery on resistance exercise, blood pressure and total peripheral resistance on normotensive adults
Magnesium supplementation Blood pressure Bench press
Magnesium supplementation has previously shown reductions in blood pressure of up to 12 mmHg. A positive relationship between magnesium supplementation and performance gains in resistance exercise has...
Blood pressure response to Cold Pressor Test in the children of hypertensives
Cold pressor test Children Hypertension
Two hundred student volunteers of 16-24 yrs were divided into two groups of 100 each, as children of hypertensive and children of normotensive parents. It was observed that there was no difference in ...
A Pilot Study on the Effects of Magnesium Supplementation with High and Low Habitual Dietary Magnesium Intake on Resting and Recovery from Aerobic and Resistance Exercise and Systolic Blood Pressure
Blood pressure magnesium supplementation aerobic performance isometric contraction recovery dietary magnesium
The effects of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure (BP) have been studied for over 25 years and results have been inconsistent. Blood pressure reductions in randomized studies have varied from...