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Environment international—惠楠团队揭示城市化和季节对气溶胶抗生素抗性基因入室传播的影响机制(图)
城市化 季节 气溶胶抗生素 抗性基因 入室传播 影响机制
近日,上海交通大学农业与生物学院惠楠团队在Environment international在线发表了“Urbanization influences the indoor transfer of airborne antibiotic resistance genes, which has a seasonally dependent pattern”的研究论文。该研究揭示了城市化和季节在调控气...

生态环境部南京环境科学研究所与南京大学联合举办Eco-Environment & Health创刊启动会(图)
生态环境部南京环境科学研究所 南京大学 Eco-Environment & Health创刊启动会 生态环境

生态环境部南京环境科学研究所南京大学联合举办Eco-Environment & Health创刊启动会(图)
生态环境部南京环境科学研究所 南京大学 Eco-Environment & Health 创刊启动会
2021年12月8日,生态环境部南京环境科学研究所与南京大学联合主办的Eco-Environment & Health(EEH)期刊创刊启动会在南京顺利举办。EEH顾问委员蔡道基院士、赵克强所长,主编江桂斌院士、任洪强院士,生态环境部南京环境科学研究所刘国才书记、徐海根副所长、李维新副所长,南京大学王振林副校长等领导,及EEH期刊编委会成员等出席了此次会议。徐海根副所长主持会议。

北京师范大学地理科学学部[成果]地理科学学部傅伯杰院士团队在《Nature Reviews Earth & Environment》发文阐明中国旱区生态系统变化、驱动机制及影响(图)
我校能源科学与工程学院王加强老师发表于Building and Environment 期刊的论文Impact of uncertainties on the supervisory control performance of a hybrid cooling system in data center,凭借研究方法的原创性、对所研究领域的贡献、表述质量和清晰度以及科学的可靠性,最近从3000余...

浙江师范大学孙法迁博士指导本科生在国际高水平期刊Science of the Total Environment上发表综述论文(图)
浙江师范大学 孙法迁 博士 本科生 环境生态学
近日,地理环境学院”双龙学者”特聘教授孙法迁博士指导的本科生王宇洋以第一作者在环境生态学领域高水平期刊《Science of the Total Environment》上发表题为”Resuscitation, isolation and immobilization of bacterial species for efficient textile wastewater treatment: ...

西北农林科技大学风景园林艺术学院洪波副教授在《Science of The Total Environment》发表最新研究成果(图)
西北农林科技大学风景园林艺术学院 洪波 Science of The Total Environment
近日,风景园林艺术学院洪波副教授在风景园林小气候适宜性设计领域取得新进展。研究成果以“Summertime physiological and thermal responses among activity levels in campus outdoor spaces in a humid subtropical city”为题在线发表在环境科学与生态学领域权威期刊《Science of Th...

中国科学院城市环境研究所创刊“Watershed Ecology and the Environment(WSEE,流域生态与环境)”国际英文期刊(图)
中国科学院城市环境研究所 Watershed Ecology and the Environment 流域生态与环境 国际英文期刊
中国科学院城市环境研究所与科爱森蓝文化传播有限公司(简称“科爱”)共同创刊Watershed Ecology and the Environment (流域生态与环境)国际英文期刊。该刊为是探讨流域尺度或流域内人类活动胁迫下(如城镇化及气候变化)自然资源、生物多样性、生物地球化学、水文学和环境质量等演变过程和适应机制,以及流域治理和管理策略与政策。该刊为季刊,将于2019年1月1日正式出版,我所中...
2018年欧洲可持续发展、能源与环境会议(The European Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment 2018)
2018年 欧洲 可持续发展 能源与环境 会议
Religious, cultural and societal fractures have seen rises in authoritarianism and nationalism across the world, and threats and perceived threats have been used to justify the stifling and marginalis...

NSF Awards $13 Million For Research On How Humans,Environment Interact(图)
NSF Awards $13 Million Research On How Humans Environment Interact
Delta:A place where sediment carried downstream by a river enters the sea, forming a fan of sand or mud.Although deltas make up just 1 percent of the world's land, they're home to more than half a bil...
2nd International Conference on Geo-Energy and Geo-Environment(GeGe2017)
2nd International Conference Geo-Energy and Geo-Environment
Two crucial global challenges facing the 21st century are exploration of energy (including offshore wind and deep-water methane hydrate) and management of geo-environment, both of which are essential ...
Antibacterial and Regenerated Characteristics of Ag-zeolite for Removing Bioaerosols in Indoor Environment
Bacterium Fungus Antibacterial reaction rate Antibacterial capacity Regeneration
The antibacterial reaction rate kt (CFU/g-hr) and total antibacterial capacity qT (CFU/g) were calculated to evaluate the
performance of antibacterial Ag-zeolite (AgZ) with a series of experiments. T...
NSF awards $20.4 million for research on how humans,environment interact
NSF awards $20.4 million research on how humans environment interact
How do predators contribute to reducing crop losses in agricultural ecosystems? By consuming crop-eating insects and rodents, according to Catherine Lindell of Michigan State University.Lindell is one...